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Scholarship Exam Details

The MEXT (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship, offered by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, aims to promote mutual understanding and strengthen bonds between Japan and other countries by providing scholarships to international students who wish to study in Japan. The application process starts around April or May, with the scholarship applications being submitted in June or July.


Nationality: Must have the nationality of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan. 
Age: Generally, under 35 years old for research students and under 25 years old for undergraduate students at the time of application.

Academic Background: 

Research Students: Must have completed 16 years of formal education (equivalent to a bachelor's degree). 
Undergraduate Students: Must have completed 12 years of formal education or equivalent. 
Language Proficiency: Must be willing to learn Japanese and interested in Japan. Japanese language proficiency may be required depending on the course. 


Full Tuition Coverage: Tuition fees for preparatory education and university are covered. 
Monthly Allowance: 

  • Research Students: Approximately ¥143,000 - ¥145,000 per month. 
  • Undergraduate Students: Approximately ¥117,000 per month. 
  • Travel Expenses: A round-trip airfare to and from Japan. 
  • Preparatory Education: Japanese language education and other subjects are needed for the successful completion of the study. 

The application process usually involves submitting documents through the Japanese embassy or consulate in the applicant's country, followed by written exams and interviews.

Important Dates

Opening Date: 14-Mar-2025 09:32 PM

Closing Date: 14-Mar-2025 09:32 PM

Q1: How do I apply for the MEXT Scholarship?
A1: The application process typically involves submitting your application through the Japanese embassy or consulate in your home country. This is followed by a screening process, which may include a written exam and an interview. Each country has specific guidelines and timelines, so it’s important to check with the Japanese embassy or consulate in your country.
Q2: What fields of study are available under the MEXT Scholarship?
A2: MEXT Scholarships cover a wide range of fields including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering. The specific fields of study may vary depending on the program (undergraduate, research, etc.) and the hosting universities in Japan.
Q3: Do I need to know Japanese to apply for the MEXT Scholarship?
A3: While knowledge of Japanese is beneficial, it is not always a requirement at the time of application. However, selected candidates often receive preparatory education, including Japanese language courses, to help them adjust to life and studies in Japan. Some programs may offer courses in English.

The MEXT (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship exam is a competitive process for international students wishing to study in Japan. The exam's syllabus and content can vary depending on the specific category of the scholarship (e.g., undergraduate, graduate, research) and the field of study.

Undergraduate Scholarship

1.1 General Knowledge

  • Japanese Language: Basic Japanese language skills, including reading comprehension and basic vocabulary.
  • Mathematics: High school-level mathematics, including algebra, geometry, and calculus.
  • Science: Basic understanding of physical sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology).
  • Social Studies: Basic knowledge of geography, history, and current events.

1.2 Specialized Subjects

  • Depending on your chosen field of study, there may be questions related to your specific area of interest (e.g., engineering, economics, etc.).

Graduate Scholarship

2.1 Research Proposal

  • Research Plan: You’ll need to present a research plan or proposal that outlines your intended research, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.

2.2 Specialized Knowledge

  • Field-Specific Knowledge: In-depth questions related to your field of study or research area. This could include theoretical concepts, recent advancements, and practical applications.

2.3 Japanese Language

  • Proficiency: Depending on the program, you might need to demonstrate proficiency in Japanese, although many graduate programs offer courses in English.

General Exam Format

3.1 Written Examination

  • General Knowledge Test: Multiple-choice or short-answer questions covering general knowledge, mathematics, and possibly basic Japanese.
  • Specialized Subject Test: In-depth questions related to your field of study (for graduate students).

3.2 Interview

  • Personal Interview: Assessing your motivation, academic background, research proposal (for graduate applicants), and your understanding of Japan and its culture.
  • Language Skills: Some interviews might include a language proficiency assessment if applicable.

3.3 Document Review

  • Academic Records: Review of your previous academic performance.
  • Recommendation Letters: Evaluation of letters of recommendation from your professors or academic advisors.
  • Statement of Purpose: A written statement outlining your goals, research interests, and reasons for applying for the MEXT Scholarship.


  • All questions are mandatory and there is no negative marking.
  • Duration: minutes
  • Total Questions:
  • Question Type: MCQ


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