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Competitive Exam Details

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the notification for the Stenographer Steno Grade C & D Examination 2024. Candidates interested in the SSC Stenographer Steno Grade C & D Recruitment 2024 can apply online from July 26, 2024, to August 17, 2024. Please read the notification for information on eligibility, post details, and other relevant details. 

Last Date for Fee Payment: August 18, 2024. 
Exam Date: Expected in October-November 2024. 
Vacancy Number: 2006.

Eligibility Criteria For Grade C:

  • Age Limit: 18-30 years.
  • Educational Qualification: Passed 12th grade from a recognized board or equivalent.

For Grade D:

  • Age Limit: 18-27 years.
  • Educational Qualification: Passed 12th grade from a recognized board or equivalent.  

Exam Pattern Written Test (Computer-Based Test - CBT): 

Duration: 2 hours.


  • General Intelligence & Reasoning: 50 questions, 50 marks.
  • General Awareness: 50 questions, 50 marks.
  • English Language and Comprehension: 100 questions, 100 marks.
  • Total Marks: 200 marks.
  • Negative Marking: 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.

Skill Test: 

  • Grade C: Dictation at 100 wpm (English) or 80 wpm (Hindi), transcription time of 40 minutes for English and 55 minutes for Hindi.
  • Grade D: Dictation at 80 wpm (English) or 60 wpm (Hindi), transcription time of 50 minutes for English and 65 minutes for Hindi.  

Eligibility Criteria

Demo text - Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Adipisci, totam?

Salary: 25000

Important Date

Starting Date: 26-Jul-2024 12:00 AM

Closing Date: Job Expired

Q1: Where can I download the SSC Stenographer Admit Card?
A1: The admit card is released on the official SSC website. Candidates need to download it from the SSC portal after it is issued, using their registration details.
Q2: What are the career prospects after clearing the SSC Stenographer Exam?
A2: Grade C: Positions in various government departments with higher pay and more responsibilities. Grade D: Positions with a wider range of duties, often with a focus on clerical and stenographic work.
Q3: When is the SSC Stenographer Exam conducted?
A3: The exam is usually conducted once a year. The dates for the notification, application, and examination are announced by SSC through its official website.

The syllabus for the SSC Stenographer Grade C & D Examination 2024.


General Intelligence & Reasoning

Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning


Similarities and Differences

Space Visualization




Decision Making

Visual Memory

Discriminating Observation

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